Saturday, November 9, 2013

Scary Story #2 (This was inspired by my weird and I-really-hate-him classmate.)

                                           Colin, Jack, and the Murderer in the House
   One evening, when Colin and Jack were alone in the house, these two friends decided to play a prank on Jack's brother, Charlie. They put a bag of goo above the doorway of Charlie's room and put a tripwire on the floor, once the tripwire was triggered, the goo would fall. They waited for Charlie, knowing he would come in his room to do homework. They waited for hours, but still no sign of Charlie. They decided to go look for him to check if he was still in the house. Colin checked in the attic and basement, while Jack searched the bedrooms, bathrooms, and backyard. Charlie was nowhere to be seen. They called Colin's mom to help them, but there was no signal, they knew someone was up to this. They went down into the basement to the power and signal of the telephones and saw that someone had cut the wire. They checked the attic again hoping they would find Charlie snickering. They found nothing, suddenly, the power went out and Jack heard a small cardboard box move and scraping on the floor. He turned the lights back on again and saw that Colin wasn't there. He ran out into the backyard and grabbed his bike. He rode to his cousin's house down the block, but was surprised to see nobody was there. He again rode his bike to Colin's house, hoping to see Colin's mom. she was there, but something was suspicious about her....he rang the doorbell and the door opened slowly revealing a dark house, unlike Colin's house. Colin's mom asked if he had a problem and offered him a cookie. Jack was hesitant to try the cookie but he took it anyway. Colin's mother went to the kitchen and came back with a knife in her hand. "Would you like me to cut the cookie in half for you?" Colin's mother asked. Jack backed away and ran away dropping the cookie. He rode again on his bike and went back to his own house. He found Colin lying on the driveway of the house, looking like he fainted. He went back to Charlie's room and looked for the bag of goo and the tripwire. He couldn't find it. He went to his room and when he walked past the doorway, a knife dropped, narrowly missing his shoulder. He was surprised, that was what he was going to do to Charlie except with goo....

To be continued....JK! IT'S THE END!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Scary Story #1 (It will send chills up your spine! (maybe...))

Nevermind! I guess I'm going to do it today because I have time! I am also going to do scary stories in seperate blogs because they are long.

                                                    The Person in The Attic
One chilly and rainy evening night, the sisters, Rachel and Sasha, were up in their rooms going to bed. A few minutes later after both girls went to bed. Rachel heard a muffled scream coming from Sasha's bedroom. Rachel felt chills going down her spine. She crawled out of her bed and went into Sasha's bedroom cautiously. She saw that the covers were messed up and quickly found a note lieing on Sasha's desk. She opened the note and it said,"YOU'RE NEXT!" She dropped the note alarmed by another muffled scream, this time coming from the attic. She grabbed a raincoat, a flashlight, and an umbrella. She stepped outside and shined the flashlight to the attic window. She saw a shadow of what looked like a man holding a curved sword called a sythe. The shadow quickly dissapeared seconds after she shined the light. Once again, she the heard the muffled scream, barely making out,"RACHEL!" She knew she had to save her, but how? An idea suddenly popped into her head. She raced into the kitchen, removing her raincoat and umbrella. She looked for one of her mom's knives that she only used for cutting meat. She found the knife and raced to where the attic stairs were. "I have to save Sasha, I just have to." She told herself. She raced up the stairs and expected to find a man covering Sasha's mouth. But instead, she found a hooded figure waiting and Sasha tied up in a chair with duct tape over her mouth. "I knew you would come recuing your sister." the hooded figure said. "That's why I wanted to wait for you to see your poor sister being fed and cooked to my minions and to see your face of horror." And indeed Rachel was in a state of horror as so was Sasha. "want to introduce you to my lovely minions. They are serpents from the depths of the Sea of Tartarus." The Sea of Tartarus is a forbidden place where no human could go in and come back out. "This serpent is very small, but vicious, and can eat a human in less than 20 seconds.I have lived in the Sea of Tartarus and needed some food." Rachel gasped, he would eat her sister and feed her to the serpent. The hooded figure removed it's hood. It was none other than Voldemort! The evil person from Harry Potter! She always thought he was fake, but now he's real? She was holding the butcher's knife, resisting the urge to throw it at the serpent and at Lord Voldemort. Rachel finally took action and cut the ropes holding Sasha to the chair.

Mwhahaha! I will finish the story later on and while you wait I shall be laughing to your faces when you beg me to finish the story! MWHAHAHAH! Nevermind! I will never finish!

Research Report Week

Hello peoples! This week is research report week! I have to finish my research report I have been working on and also my presentation I have been working on! Stress will overcome me soon! (Okay, that's not a lot of stress but it's nervewracking to present my presentation in front of the entire class!) Right now, I am working on my final draft of my report and Christina suggested I blog a bit. I also want to apologize for not being on here in a long while. I should've done a scary story blog on Halloween. I'll do that tomorrow.